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  • Foundry-Skills Home

    THE video wiki for foundry technology with almost 3,000 short videos for free. Experience foundry technology on screen and become capable of having technical dialogues. Apprentices, students, newcomers and career changers, casting buyers, designers and of course lecturers in foundry technology will find modern access to shop floor experience. #Sand Casting #Investment Casting #Gravity Die Casting #High Pressure Die Casting #Melt Shop #Castings #Moulding Material #Binder Jetting YOUR CASTING JOURNEY BEGINS HERE is a free learning platform for foundry technology with thousands of videos, technical terms, technical talks and much more. Discover the world of casting interactively. Ideal for newcomers and career changers, casting buyers, designers, lecturers, apprentices, students and of course specialists.

  • Video-Wiki, Dictionary, Lexicon, Academy, Conference, News & more

    Foundry-Skills is a free video wiki with almost 3.000 foundry-specific short videos. Join also our Dictionary, Lexicon, Conference and many more for free. Welcome to the Academy This course is at there moment only available in German language. Willkommen zum Online-Kurs "Einführung in die Gießereitechnik - Gießereitechnik für Neu- und Quereinsteiger"! Dieser Kurs richtet sich an Neu- und Quereinsteiger, die sich für die spannende Welt der Gießereitechnik interessieren. Mit insgesamt 21 Videos und über 9 Stunden Laufzeit erhalten Sie einen umfassenden Einblick in die verschiedenen Aspekte der Gießereitechnik. Mit diesem Kurs erwerben Sie grundlegendes Wissen über die verschiedenen Gießverfahren, Werkstoffe und Prozesse, die in der Gießereitechnik zum Einsatz kommen. Sie lernen die verschiedenen Schritte der Gussformherstellung und Gussbearbeitung kennen, sowie die Techniken und Materialien, die in der Branche verwendet werden. Starten Sie noch heute in die Welt der Gießereitechnik und erweitern Sie Ihr Wissen und Ihre Fähigkeiten mit diesem umfassenden Online-Kurs! Nach der erfolgreichen Buchung stehen Ihnen alle unten stehenden Lernvideos für 6 Monate zum Lernen zur Verfügung. So oft Sie wollen. Auf jedem Endgerät. Überall. So können Sie unkompliziert in die Welt der Gießereitechnik onboarden und werden schnell dialogfähig. Hier können Sie den Kurs buchen Sie müssen die Videos abonnieren, das heißt im Buchungsportal freischalten. Danach können Sie diese auf jedem Endgerät so oft Sie wollen ansehen. In Ihrem Tempo, zu Ihrer Zeit. Für 6 Monate. Download Übersicht als PDF Kurs Watch Preview Watch Preview € Subscribe Subscribe 06:23 Trailer - Gießereitechnik für Neu- und Quereinsteiger Watch Preview Watch Preview € Subscribe Subscribe 21:42 Was ist eigentlich Gießereitechnik? Watch Preview Watch Preview € Subscribe Subscribe 21:51 Einführung in die Werkstoffe Watch Preview Watch Preview € Subscribe Subscribe 27:13 Einführung in die technischen Metalle Watch Preview Watch Preview € Subscribe Subscribe 25:13 Prozess, Gefüge, Eigenschaften Watch Preview Watch Preview € Subscribe Subscribe 36:56 Einführung in die Gießverfahren Watch Preview Watch Preview € Subscribe Subscribe 05:54 Gießen in Dauerformen Watch Preview Watch Preview € Subscribe Subscribe 05:10 Gießen in verlorene Formen Watch Preview Watch Preview € Subscribe Subscribe 28:18 Gießeigenschaften Watch Preview Watch Preview € Subscribe Subscribe 34:05 Einführung in die Speisertechnik Watch Preview Watch Preview € Subscribe Subscribe 37:04 Anschnitttechnik Watch Preview Watch Preview € Subscribe Subscribe 45:14 Abguss Watch Preview Watch Preview € Subscribe Subscribe 13:50 Kippkokillenguss Watch Preview Watch Preview € Subscribe Subscribe 25:22 Schwerkraftkokillenguss Watch Preview Watch Preview € Subscribe Subscribe 27:29 Druckguss Watch Preview Watch Preview € Subscribe Subscribe 23:11 Formgrundstoffe Watch Preview Watch Preview € Subscribe Subscribe 48:12 Binder Watch Preview Watch Preview € Subscribe Subscribe 17:05 Formherstellung Watch Preview Watch Preview € Subscribe Subscribe 22:46 Handformen tongebundener Formstoffe Watch Preview Watch Preview € Subscribe Subscribe 19:53 Kernschießprozess Load More

  • Video-Wiki, Dictionary, Lexicon, Academy, Conference, News & more

    THE video wiki for foundry technology with almost 3,000 short videos for free. Experience foundry technology on screen and become capable of having technical dialogues. Apprentices, students, newcomers and career changers, casting buyers, designers and of course lecturers in foundry technology will find modern access to shop floor experience. #Sand Casting #Investment Casting #Gravity Die Casting #High Pressure Die Casting #Melt Shop #Castings #Moulding Material #Binder Jetting Entdecken Sie unseren umfassenden Sprachkurs, der mehr als 20 verschiedene Einheiten umfasst und Ihnen hilft, nahezu 600 technische Fachbegriffe zu meistern. Egal, ob Sie Ihre beruflichen Fähigkeiten erweitern oder neue Kenntnisse erwerben möchten, Kurs bietet die perfekte Lösung. Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt der Sprache verbessern Sie Ihre Kommunikation in der Technik! Melden Sie sich noch heute an! English Seigerung 1/15 Seigerung

  • Video-Wiki, Dictionary, Lexicon, Academy, Conference, News & more

    THE video wiki for foundry technology with almost 3,000 short videos for free. Experience foundry technology on screen and become capable of having technical dialogues. Apprentices, students, newcomers and career changers, casting buyers, designers and of course lecturers in foundry technology will find modern access to shop floor experience. #Sand Casting #Investment Casting #Gravity Die Casting #High Pressure Die Casting #Melt Shop #Castings #Moulding Material #Binder Jetting Hello and welcome to, when I see a metal casting, I am always fascinated. The force of nature, and radiated heat of the molten metal being poured into a mold and creating a near-net-shape casting after the solidification process are just incredible and somehow magical. This is fascinating mankind for thousands of years. Unfortunately, only very few people have the opportunity to see a casting or even a foundry from the inside. I would like to change that and p rovide you with this platform, the opportunity to learn about the many different casting processes and materials in thousands of videos and to inspire you in this way for foundry technology. These videos are dedicated to all audiences, whether they are newcomers or experts. They can be used in lectures or for training or simply shown to families and friends to illustrate what you do for a living or to inspire future young talents for the foundry technology. But in particular, this knowledge platform is intended to improve the onboarding phase of students, apprentices, career starters, and career changers so that they become skilled more quickly. It's a bridge connecting the ancient art of foundry with modern technology and education, making this age-old craft accessible to a global audience. Here, you'll also find company videos, Tech-Talks, and a translator with foundry-specific technical terms. Perhaps you will find your new job in the Job Portal, or you can create a free company profile. If you like more, you can become a partner. From the first concept to the launch of, our mission has been clear: to open the doors of foundry technology to the world, making it accessible, understandable, and fascinating for everyone. Whether you are a seasoned professional looking to broaden your skills or a curious learner stepping into the world of foundry for the first time, we have something for you. I wish you a lot of fun while discovering Dr. Sebastian Tewes Founder & CEO

  • Video-Wiki, Dictionary, Lexicon, Academy, Conference, News & more

    THE video wiki for foundry technology with almost 3,000 short videos for free. Experience foundry technology on screen and become capable of having technical dialogues. Apprentices, students, newcomers and career changers, casting buyers, designers and of course lecturers in foundry technology will find modern access to shop floor experience. #Sand Casting #Investment Casting #Gravity Die Casting #High Pressure Die Casting #Melt Shop #Castings #Moulding Material #Binder Jetting A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z German Translation English Translation French Translation Italian Translation Spanish Translation Russian Translation Chinese Translation

  • Video-Wiki, Dictionary, Lexicon, Academy, Conference, News & more

    THE video wiki for foundry technology with almost 3,000 short videos for free. Experience foundry technology on screen and become capable of having technical dialogues. Apprentices, students, newcomers and career changers, casting buyers, designers and of course lecturers in foundry technology will find modern access to shop floor experience. #Sand Casting #Investment Casting #Gravity Die Casting #High Pressure Die Casting #Melt Shop #Castings #Moulding Material #Binder Jetting Do you have questions? Contact us, we are pleased to help you. FREE COMPANY PROFILES Create your free company profile and present yourself on our platform. SUBMIT FREE TECH-TALKS Submit your abstract for free publication. MAIL PARTNERSHIP Become a partner and You get the following features: COMPANY VIDEO Share your corporate video to increase your reach. SUBMIT LOGO Your logo will be visible at least once on every page TECH-TALK Do you already have a good tech talk? We prepare this and transfer it to the new layout of Foundry Skills. REQUEST FOR A PARTNERSHIP

  • Video-Wiki, Dictionary, Lexicon, Academy, Conference, News & more

    THE video wiki for foundry technology with almost 3,000 short videos for free. Experience foundry technology on screen and become capable of having technical dialogues. Apprentices, students, newcomers and career changers, casting buyers, designers and of course lecturers in foundry technology will find modern access to shop floor experience. #Sand Casting #Investment Casting #Gravity Die Casting #High Pressure Die Casting #Melt Shop #Castings #Moulding Material #Binder Jetting is a free learning platform because of the support of our p artners. If you want to become a member please have a l oo k at our Media-Kits. Click here to send us an E-Mail ITEM DESCRIPTION STEEL BRONZE SILVER GOLD Logo Landing Page Your Logo will be shown on the Landing page on the top. Right below the overview of the different Foundry-Skills Icons. - - - 1 Logo Wiki-Search If the search function of the Video-Wiki is used, your Logo will appear every time in the results area. - - - 1 Logo Footer Gallery Your Logo will be shown on every single site in the footer section. - - - 1 Company News Place an article referring to your Development or News with Headline, Text, Link, Eyecatcher in dedicated category on Company News. The article will be shown as well in the dedicated category of the Video-Wiki. - 2 4 6 Company Videos Place your Video in dedicated category on Company Video. The video will be shown as well in the dedicated category of the Video-Wiki. - 5 10 25 Logo Subcategory Video Wiki Your Logo will be presented on a dedicated sub category of the Video-Wiki. - 2 4 6 Company Academy Place your Webinar, Seminar or Workshop in a dedicated category on Company Academy. - 1 5 15 Company Event Post Events in Company Events. 1 3 10 25 Job Post Post jobs in the Job Market. 1 3 10 50 Price Invoicing period 12 months in advance. 365 € per year 730 € per year contact us contact us Job Post Logo Subcategory Video Wiki Logo Footer Gallery Company Event Company Videos Logo Wiki-Search Company Academy Company News Logo Landing Page

  • Video-Wiki, Dictionary, Lexicon, Academy, Conference, News & more

    THE video wiki for foundry technology with almost 3,000 short videos for free. Experience foundry technology on screen and become capable of having technical dialogues. Apprentices, students, newcomers and career changers, casting buyers, designers and of course lecturers in foundry technology will find modern access to shop floor experience. #Sand Casting #Investment Casting #Gravity Die Casting #High Pressure Die Casting #Melt Shop #Castings #Moulding Material #Binder Jetting Wiki Anker Choose a main category Foundry-Skills Video-Wiki Choose a subcategory Main Category Sub Category SKIP TO COMPANY VIDEOS DAS Video-Wiki der Gießereitechnik DAS Video-Wiki der Gießereitechnik DAS Video-Wiki der Gießereitechnik SHOW MORE VIDEOS Company Videos COMPANY VIDEOS DAS Video-Wiki der Gießereitechnik Your Title here DAS Video-Wiki der Gießereitechnik

  • Video-Wiki, Dictionary, Lexicon, Academy, Conference, News & more

    THE video wiki for foundry technology with almost 3,000 short videos for free. Experience foundry technology on screen and become capable of having technical dialogues. Apprentices, students, newcomers and career changers, casting buyers, designers and of course lecturers in foundry technology will find modern access to shop floor experience. #Sand Casting #Investment Casting #Gravity Die Casting #High Pressure Die Casting #Melt Shop #Castings #Moulding Material #Binder Jetting Scientists and researchers have the opportunity here to present and share their work with the community and build up their network. Companies can also present their technical developments and concepts. Audio Signal Processing for Quantitative Moulding Material Regeneration Philine Kerst, M.Sc. University Duisburg-Essen contact me via LinkedIn As a natural product with limited resources, sand is of existential importance for various industries. Foundry technology in particular requires considerable quantities worldwide for sand moulds and cores. Depending on the process, the sand is recycled and thus reused. However, especially in the case of inorganically bound moulding sand, it is still frequently not recycled. Existing regeneration methods include mechanical, pneumatic, or combined processes. These have been developed, but have reached their analytical optimisation limits, as the processes are not transparent and make in situ analyses of moulding materials impossible. Within the scope of this research work, a methodology for the computer-aided processing of sound and image data with the help of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) was developed, which is to evaluate the non-measurable changes of the moulding material in the running process in real time via process acoustics. The aim is to optimise process control in terms of time, cost, and energy efficiency. Keywords: Regeneration, Audio Signal Processing, Machine Learning Role of simulation in the Digital Die Casting Cell Beat Eberle, M.Sc. Bühler AG contact me via LinkedIn Nowadays the development of new Die Casting machines would be hardly possibly without using simulations because of the size of the components e.g. platens with a weight of 100 tons and rough dimensions of about 5m x 5m x 3m. In this range there is no possibility to create a physical prototype. So it must be done in the first time right. This talk will show the importance of combining modeling and simulation tools for the devevopment of new Die Casting machines as well as how this can be integrated in the so called Digital Die Casting Cell. Keywords: Die Casting, Simulation, Digital Twin The Future of Structural Components in HPDC Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Hermann Jacob Roos Bühler AG contact me via LinkedIn The market for structural components has multiplied over the past years and expanded with battery housings, especially driven by the electrification of the drive train, and most recently megacasting applications. In order to make structural parts even more attractive especially for high volume vehicle segments cost savings for this application are crucial. Cooperation across the industry is essential for further development of structural processes that will enable large series production. The presentation highlights the potential cost savings by increasing productivity through thermal management, by the selection of alloys and avoiding thermal heat treatment and by enabling lightweight design of the structural parts. Keywords: Megacastings, Structural Components, HPDC Hot distortion of bonded sand cores – Core deformation during filling Jesper Thorburg, Associate Professor MAGMA GmbH contact me via LinkedIn Dimensional tolerances in castings, especially for filigree shapes, are very dependent on the distortion of the sand cores used to form the casting contour during the casting process. Despite its importance for casting and component quality, up to now very little effort has been expended to truly understand the behavior of these cores during casting. This situation is changing, especially due to the increasing interest in inorganic binders and the corresponding process changes resulting from a change in binder systems. This work shows the approach to determine the Hot distortion of bonded sand cores during filling. Keywords: Core deformation, Stress, Sand Cores COMING SOON: How Sand 3D printing is reviving small and medium size foundries Necip Cirakman ExOne GmbH contact me via LinkedIn Binder jet 3D printing is revolutionizing sand casting – capable of producing complex cores that cannot be produced in any other way – and organic rigging designs that help to make successful precision pours and decrease scrap rates significantly. Foundries embracing the digital workflow are expanding business by offering rapid prototyping with easy design iterations, fast turnarounds without lead times. Technological advances in robotics are making 3D printing more accessible than ever and the all-new S-Max Flex binder jetting system was developed to help smaller foundry businesses survive and thrive. In this conference talk we’ll explore the economics of integrating a digital workflow with 3D printing to help get products to market faster, made regionally. Participants will learn how sand 3D printing fits in their foundry and they’ll be introduced to the S-Max Flex robotic 3D printing process that delivers quality parts from an affordable, easy-to-use system. Keywords: Binder Jetting, Robotic 3D Printing, 3D Core Making

  • Video-Wiki, Dictionary, Lexicon, Academy, Conference, News & more

    Foundry-Skills is a free video wiki with almost 3.000 foundry-specific short videos. Join also our Dictionary, Lexicon, Conference and many more for free. Buchen Sie hier den online On-Demand-Kurs mit 21 Lerneinheiten Gießerei-Kurs online € 499 499€ für Neu- und Quereinsteiger Valid for 6 months Hier buchen Sie bekommen Zugriff auf 21 Videos Perfekt für Neu- und Quereinsteiger Jederzeit ansehen, so oft Sie wollen Kurssprache ist deutsch German language only über 9 Stunden Gesamtlaufzeit Allgemeiner Einführungskurs Nach 6 Monaten endet die Zugriffszeit automatisch Sie erhalten ein digitales Teilnahmezertifikat Kurs wird nach Buchung sofort freigeschaltet Zurück zum Kurs

  • Video-Wiki, Dictionary, Lexicon, Academy, Conference, News & more

    GO RESET Event Location Online Western Europe Northern Europe Eastern Europe Southern Europe Northern America Central America South America Western Asia Central Asia Eastern Asia Northern Africa Southern Asia Western Africa Southeastern Asia Middle Africa Eastern Africa Southern Africa Australia New Zealand Event Focus on Foundry Supplier Engineering Training & Education R & D Material Testing Software Developer Automation HR & Head Hunting Casting Buyers Organisation & Media Additive Manufacturing Other Covered Processes Sand Casting Hand Sand Casting Machine Gravity Die Casting HPDC cold HPDC hot LPDC Investment Casting Centrifugal Casting Vacuum Casting Continuous Casting Single Crystal Casting Additive Manufacturing Tilt Casting Lost Foam Other Target Audience Engineering Sales Purchase Production Management Metallurgy Software & Simulation Mechanical Engineer Casting Designer Plant Engineering Trainer Other Covered Topics Additive Manufacturing Automation Casting Design Chemicals Coremaking Discharging Enviroment Equipment Heat Treatment 4.0 & IT-Solutions Machining & Finishing Melting Shop Metals & Alloys Moulding Technology Pattern, Mould & Tooling Pouring HP/LP/G Die Casting Periphery Prototyping Process Control Quality Control Refractories Sand & Binders Service Provider Software & Simulation Other Ergebnisse I am an Example 8. Nov. 2023 - 19. Nov. 2023 Aachen, Germany This can be your Company Event. Feel free to contact us. Website Tech Days Germany 12. Okt. 2022 - 13. Okt. 2022 Bold Campus, Ölmühlweg, Königstein im Taunus, Germany SAVE THE DATE! The next Transvalor Tech Days will take place in Frankfurt, Germany on the 12th and 13th of October 2022! We would be delighted to have you by our side on this day to share experiences with industrial and academic actors and discuss about the latest challenges in manufacturing simulation, to learn about the Transvalor end-to-end solution platform, its new features and to discover the optimization process. Website International MAGMA User Meeting 2022 19. Okt. 2022 - 22. Okt. 2022 Holiday Inn Munich - City Centre MAGMA invites you to attend this event and take advantage of a unique opportunity to extend your knowledge in using MAGMASOFT. Benefit from the latest information about new capabilities of AUTONOMOUS ENGINEERING to work successfully with MAGMASOFT 5.5. Discuss with your colleagues the benefits of virtual experimentation and optimization to establish robust casting processes and optimized solutions. Website

  • Video-Wiki, Dictionary, Lexicon, Academy, Conference, News & more

    Submission of your videos. Category 1 1 Category 1 1 Category 1 1 Category 1 1 Titel Titel Titel

 El kalıpları Makine kalıpları Bitirme Çekirdek yapımı Besleyici Kalıplar Modeller Kalıplama malzemeleri Kalıplama malzemesi testi Kalıplama malzemesi hazırlama Kum döküm Kalıplar Kalıcı kalıp dökümü Kalıcı kalıp dökümü Soğuk kamara basınçlı döküm Sıcak kamaralı döküm Sıcaklık kontrol üniteleri Alet Yapımı Basınçlı döküm Balmumu desen üretimi Kalıp kabuğu üretimi Döküm makineleri Yatırım döküm Devirme soğuk döküm Gazlı fırın İndüksiyon ocağı Direnç fırını Cupola fırını Ark ocağı Isıl işlem Metalurjik Tedavi Alaşım malzemesi Şarj etme Eritme atölyesi Binder Jetting Kum basıncı Kum baskısı Son İşlem ve Taşıma Blowroom Kumlama Talaşlı İmalat Analitik Kalite güvencesi Döküm ekipmanları Döküm Demir Döküm Alüminyum Döküm Çinko Döküm Çelik döküm Bakır Döküm hataları Dökümler Metalografi Demir Metalografi Alüminyum Yazılım ve Simülasyon Tedarikçiler Döküm Yapımcıları AR-GE ve Eğitim Fuarlar & Kongreler Akademi 3D baskı döküm Döküm Dağlama Soğutma Söndürme Söndürme havuzu Alüminyum Alüminyum döküm Alüminyum döküm Alüminyum döküm Alüminyum oksitler Argon Klempleme Sıkıştırma plakası Eyebolts Boşaltma oluğu Ejektör ızgarası Ejektör plakası İtici çubuk İtici pim Otoklav Tedavi kepçesi Bantlı öğütücü Bentonit Hareket Çekirdek kırma Fırın Brinell sertlik izleri Kırılma yüzeyi Şarj etme Şarj arabası Buhar otoklavı Sızdırmazlık bileşeni Dozajlama Basınçlı döküm Basınçlı hava Basınçlı hava hortumu Basınçlı hava öğütücü Akümülatör Döküm Demir döküm Demir döküm Demir döküm Demir dökümhanesi Çapak alma Havalandırma Katılaşma Ekzotermik tüp besleyici Ekzotermik besleyici Kanatlı karıştırma tesisi Taşkın tesisi Sel mızrağı Konveyör bant Kalıplar Kalıp kutuları Kalıplama plakası Kalıplama istasyonu Kalıplama tepsileri Kalıplama malzemesi hazırlama Kalıp kumu hazırlama tesisi Kalıplama kum sığınağı Kalıplama kum kovası Kalıplama kumu kontrolü Önden görünüm Furan reçine kalıbı Furan reçine kalıpları Gaz brülörü Gaz şişesi aküsü Gaz gözenekleri ateşlenmiş pota Karşı ağırlık döküm Kurucu Kurucu Döküm filtresi Döküm seti Döküm gazları Döküm gazı geliştirme Flaş döküm Döküm haznesi dolum seviyesi Döküm pistonu Döküm piston ara halkası Döküm kepçesi Döküm çarkı Döküm kanalı Döküm ızgara Döküm tapası Döküm hattı Döküm sistemi Döküm tepsisi Döküm hücresi Döküm kırılması Dökme demir alaşımı Dökme demir eriyiği Deri dökümü Döküm parça tutucu Döküm El kalıp dökümü Üst şapka fırını Isıtma plakası Isıtma bobinleri Çark İndüksiyon ocağı İzolasyon besleyici Soğuk koşu kutusuz Çentik darbe testi Çekirdek Çekirdek yapımı Çekirdek çiviler Çekirdek plaka Çekirdek kum Çekirdek kum parçaları Çekirdek kaydırıcı Çekirdek atıcı Çekirdek atıcı Çekirdek atıcı Çekirdek destek Devirme kalıp döküm makinesi Diz kolu sistemi Soğutma kalıbı Soğutma hortumu Plastik laminer kalıp dolumu Alaşımlı malzeme Lehimleme istasyonu Hava katılımı Magnezyum Magnezyum tedavisi Magnezyum işleme potası Magnezyum ilavesi Manyetik ayırıcı Mekanik işleme ölçüm cihazı model plakası Model çizimi Ağızlık Fırın kapağı Fırın kontrolü Poligon elek Temizlik Temizlik araçları Duman geliştirme Regenbesander Rejenerasyon süreci Makaralı tezgah Titreşimli pres kalıplama tesisi Titreşimli besleyici Kum kalıbı Kum kalıpları Kum kalıbı Kum çekirdeği Santrifüj döküm makinesi Santrifüj döküm çarkı Boyutlandırma Boyutlandırma tesisi Boyutlandırma hareketi Bulamaç Bulamaç kabı Eritme atölyesi Eritme atölyesi Eritme potası Eritme odası Eritme fırını Hurda konteyneri Hurda depolama Eleme kalıntısı Besleyici Besleyici manşon Besleyici manşonlar Spektrometre Sfero döküm Çelik sac hurdası Dikiş Fiş Patlatma kabini Patlatma hattı Thaler örneği Tandem çalışma Daldırma kaplama tankı Kısmen kaplanmış Temperleme ünitesi Termal analiz Pota Destek çerçevesi Serbest bırakma ajanı Davul siparişi türbülanslı kalıp dolumu türbülanslı dolum Taşma fasulyesi Vakum yoğunluğu örneği Alt taraf Bağlantı noktası mineralizasyon Dökme tavası Dökme mekanizması Paketleme istasyonu Dağıtım arabası Hacim daralması Önden görünüm Ölçek Balmumu Balmumu lehimleme istasyonu Balmumu modeli Sıcak kamaralı döküm Washboard su camı bağlı kalıplama malzemesi Direnç ısıtmalı fırın William'ın çentiği Vorteks karıştırıcı Merkezleme pimleri Çinko Çinko sıcak kamaralı döküm Çekme test cihazı

 Stampi a mano Stampi per macchine Finitura Realizzazione del nucleo Alimentatore Stampi Modelli Materiali di stampaggio Test sui materiali di stampaggio Preparazione del materiale di stampaggio Colata in sabbia Stampi Colata in stampo permanente Colata in stampo permanente Pressofusione a camera fredda Pressofusione a camera calda Unità di controllo della temperatura Costruzione di utensili Pressofusione Produzione di modelli in cera Produzione di conchiglie per stampi Macchine per la fusione Colata a iniezione Colata a freddo inclinata Forno a gas Forno a induzione Forno a resistenza Forno a cupola Forno ad arco Trattamento termico Metallurgico Trattamento Materiale di lega Ricarica Negozio di fusione Binder Jetting Pressione della sabbia Stampa su sabbia Finitura e manipolazione Camera di soffiaggio Granigliatura Lavorazione meccanica Analisi Garanzia di qualità Attrezzature per la fusione Colata Colata di ferro Colata di alluminio Fusione di zinco Colata di acciaio Rame Difetti di fusione Fusioni Metallografia Ferro Metallografia Alluminio Software e simulazione Fornitori Produttori di casting R&S e istruzione Fiere e congressi Accademia Stampato in 3D getto Colata Incisione Raffreddamento Tempra Bacino di raffreddamento Alluminio Pressofusione di alluminio Colata di alluminio Colata di alluminio Ossidi di alluminio Argon serraggio Piastra di serraggio Golfari Scivolo di svuotamento Griglia di espulsione Piastra di espulsione Asta di espulsione Perno di espulsione Autoclave Mestolo di trattamento Smerigliatrice a nastro Bentonite Movimento Nucleo di frantumazione Forno Impronte di durezza Brinell Superficie di frattura Ricarica Carrello di ricarica Autoclave a vapore Composto sigillante Dosaggio Pressofusione Aria compressa Tubo flessibile per aria compressa Smerigliatrice ad aria compressa Accumulatore Gettato in opera Colata di ferro Colata di ferro Colata di ferro Fonderia di ferro Sbavatura Sfiato Solidificazione Alimentatore a tubo esotermico Alimentatore esotermico Impianto di miscelazione a palette Impianto di inondazione Lancia antiallagamento Nastro trasportatore Stampi Scatole da modellare Piastra di stampaggio Stazione di stampaggio Vassoi per modanatura Preparazione del materiale di stampaggio Impianto di preparazione della sabbia per stampi Bunker di sabbia per modellare Secchio per sabbia da stampaggio Controllo della sabbia di formatura Vista frontale Stampo in resina furanica Stampi in resina furanica Bruciatore a gas Batteria per bombole di gas Pori di gas crogiolo cotto Contrappeso Colata Fondatore Fondatore Filtro di colata Set per il casting Gas di colata Sviluppo del gas di colata Flash di fusione Livello di riempimento della camera di colata Pistone di colata Anello intermedio del pistone in fusione Mestolo di colata Ruota di colata Canale di colata Griglia di colata Tappo di colata Linea di lancio Sistema di colata Vassoio di colata Cella di colata Rottura della colata Lega di ghisa Ghisa fusa Pelle di colata Supporto per parti fuse Colata Colata a mano in stampo Forno a cappello alto Piastra di riscaldamento Bobine di riscaldamento Girante Forno a induzione Alimentatore isolante Corsa a freddo senza scatola Prova d'urto con intaglio Nucleo Realizzazione del nucleo Chiodi del nucleo Piastra centrale Sabbia del nucleo Pezzi di sabbia del nucleo Cursore del nucleo Sparatutto centrale Sparatutto centrale Sparatutto centrale Supporto di base Macchina di colata a stampo inclinabile Sistema di leva a ginocchio Stampo di raffreddamento Tubo di raffreddamento Plastica riempimento laminare dello stampo Materiale in lega Stazione di saldatura Inclusione dell'aria Magnesio Trattamento con magnesio Siviera per il trattamento del magnesio Aggiunta di magnesio Separatore magnetico Lavorazione meccanica dispositivo di misura modello di piastra Modello di disegno Bocchino Coperchio del forno Controllo del forno Setaccio poligonale Pulizia Strumenti di pulizia Sviluppo del fumo Regenbesander Processo di rigenerazione Panchina a rulli Impianto di formatura con pressa vibrante Alimentatore vibrante Stampo in sabbia Stampi in sabbia Stampo in sabbia Nucleo di sabbia Macchina per colata centrifuga Ruota di colata centrifuga Dimensionamento Dimensionamento dell'impianto Movimento di dimensionamento Liquami Pentola per liquami Negozio di fusione Negozio di fusione Pentola di fusione Camera di fusione Forno di fusione Contenitore per rottami Stoccaggio dei rottami Residui di vagliatura Alimentatore Manicotto dell'alimentatore Manicotti dell'alimentatore Spettrometro Ferro duttile Rottami di lamiera d'acciaio Cuciture Spina Cabina di sabbiatura Linea di sabbiatura Campione Thaler Funzionamento in tandem Vasca di verniciatura a immersione Parzialmente rivestito Unità di tempra Analisi termica Crogiolo Telaio di supporto Agente di rilascio Ordine del tamburo riempimento turbolento dello stampo riempimento turbolento Fagiolo di trabocco Campione di densità sotto vuoto Lato inferiore Punto di connessione mineralizzazione Vaschetta di versamento Meccanismo di versamento Stazione di imballaggio Carrello di distribuzione Contrazione del volume Vista frontale Scala Cera Stazione di saldatura a cera Modello in cera Pressofusione a camera calda 

 Moules à main Moules pour machines Finition Noyautage Masselotte Moules Modèles Matières à mouler Contrôle des matières à mouler Préparation des matières à mouler Moulage en sable Lingotières Coulée en coquille Fonte en coquille Moulage sous pression à chambre froide Moulage sous pression à chambre chaude Régulateurs de température Construction d'outils Moulage sous pression Fabrication de modèles en cire Fabrication de coquilles de moules Machines de coulée Coulée de précision Coulée en coquille basculante Four à gaz Four à induction Four à résistance Cubilot Four à arc électrique Traitement thermique Métallurgique Traitement Matériau d'alliage Chargement Opération de fusion Binder Jetting Pression de sable Pression du sable Finishing & Handling Nettoyage Grenailleuses Traitement mécanique Analytique Assurance qualité Appareils de coulée Moulage Fer Coulée Coulée d'aluminium Zinc Coulée Acier Coulée Cuivre Défauts de coulée Pièces coulées Métallographie Fer Métallographie Aluminum Logiciel & simulation Fournisseurs Producteurs de fonte R&D & formation continue Salons & Congrès Académie imprimé en 3D moulé Moulage Grattage Refroidissement Trempe Bassin de trempe Aluminium Pièce en aluminium moulé sous pression Pièce moulée en aluminium Pièce coulée en aluminium Oxydes d'aluminium Argon serrage Plaque de serrage Boulons à œil Goulotte d'évacuation Grille d'évacuation Plaque d'éjection Tige d'éjection Tige d'éjection Autoclave Cuve de traitement Ponceuse à bande Bentonite Mouvement Noyau de concassage Four de cuisson Empreintes de dureté Brinell Surface de rupture Chargement Chariot de chargement Autoclaves à vapeur Masse d'étanchéité Dosage Moulage sous pression Air comprimé Tuyau d'air comprimé Meuleuse à air comprimé Accumulateur de pression Moulé Coulée de fer Fonderie de fer Pièce coulée en fer Fer en fusion Ébavurage Désaération Solidification Tube d'alimentation exothermique Alimentateur exothermique Mélangeur à palettes Installation de noyage Lance de noyage Convoyeur à bande Moules Bacs à moules Plateau de moulage Poste de moulage Plateaux de moulage Préparation des moules Installation de préparation des matières à mouler Trémie de matières à mouler Seau à matières à mouler Commande des matières à mouler Vue de face Moule en résine furanique Moules en résine furanique Brûleur à gaz Batterie de bouteilles de gaz Pores de gaz creuset cuit contrepoids Coulée fondeur fondeur Filtre de coulée Garniture de coulée Gaz de coulée Développement des gaz de coulée Bavure de coulée Taux de remplissage de la chambre de coulée Piston de coulée Anneau intermédiaire du piston de coulée Poche de coulée Roue de coulée Goulotte de coulée Grille de coulée Bouchon de coulée Parcours de coulée Système de coulée Bac de coulée Cellule de coulée Rupture de la coulée Alliage de fonte Fonte en fusion Peau de fonte Réception de la pièce coulée Pièces coulées Moulage manuel Four à cloche Plaque chauffante Filaments chauffants Impulseur Four à induction Alimentateur isolant Marche à froid sans caisson Essai de résilience Noyau Atelier de noyautage Clous de noyau Plaque de noyau Sable à noyaux Morceaux de sable à noyaux Pousseur de noyaux Machine à tirer les noyaux Machine à tirer les noyaux Processus de tir de noyaux Support de noyau Installation de coulée en coquille basculante Système à genouillère Lingotière de refroidissement Tuyau de refroidissement Plastique remplissage laminaire du moule Matériau d'alliage Station de soudage Inclusion d'air Magnésium Traitement du magnésium Poche de traitement au magnésium Ajout de magnésium Séparateur magnétique usinage mécanique Dispositif de mesure Plaque de modèle Tirage du modèle Embouchure Couvercle du four Commande du four Tamis polygonal Nettoyage Outils de nettoyage Développement de la fumée Bandes de pluie 

 Moules à main Moules pour machines Finition Noyautage Masselotte Moules Modèles Matières à mouler Contrôle des matières à mouler Préparation des matières à mouler Moulage en sable Lingotières Coulée en coquille Fonte en coquille Moulage sous pression à chambre froide Moulage sous pression à chambre chaude Régulateurs de température Construction d'outils Moulage sous pression Fabrication de modèles en cire Fabrication de coquilles de moules Machines de coulée Coulée de précision Coulée en coquille basculante Four à gaz Four à induction Four à résistance Cubilot Four à arc électrique Traitement thermique Métallurgique Traitement Matériau d'alliage Chargement Opération de fusion Binder Jetting Pression de sable Pression du sable Finishing & Handling Nettoyage Grenailleuses Traitement mécanique Analytique Assurance qualité Appareils de coulée Moulage Fer Coulée Coulée d'aluminium Zinc Coulée Acier Coulée Cuivre Défauts de coulée Pièces coulées Métallographie Fer Métallographie Aluminum Logiciel & simulation Fournisseurs Producteurs de fonte R&D & formation continue Salons & Congrès Académie imprimé en 3D moulé Moulage Grattage Refroidissement Trempe Bassin de trempe Aluminium Pièce en aluminium moulé sous pression Pièce moulée en aluminium Pièce coulée en aluminium Oxydes d'aluminium Argon serrage Plaque de serrage Boulons à œil Goulotte d'évacuation Grille d'évacuation Plaque d'éjection Tige d'éjection Tige d'éjection Autoclave Cuve de traitement Ponceuse à bande Bentonite Mouvement Noyau de concassage Four de cuisson Empreintes de dureté Brinell Surface de rupture Chargement Chariot de chargement Autoclaves à vapeur Masse d'étanchéité Dosage Moulage sous pression Air comprimé Tuyau d'air comprimé Meuleuse à air comprimé Accumulateur de pression Moulé Coulée de fer Fonderie de fer Pièce coulée en fer Fer en fusion Ébavurage Désaération Solidification Tube d'alimentation exothermique Alimentateur exothermique Mélangeur à palettes Installation de noyage Lance de noyage Convoyeur à bande Moules Bacs à moules Plateau de moulage Poste de moulage Plateaux de moulage Préparation des moules Installation de préparation des matières à mouler Trémie de matières à mouler Seau à matières à mouler Commande des matières à mouler Vue de face Moule en résine furanique Moules en résine furanique Brûleur à gaz Batterie de bouteilles de gaz Pores de gaz creuset cuit contrepoids Coulée fondeur fondeur Filtre de coulée Garniture de coulée Gaz de coulée Développement des gaz de coulée Bavure de coulée Taux de remplissage de la chambre de coulée Piston de coulée Anneau intermédiaire du piston de coulée Poche de coulée Roue de coulée Goulotte de coulée Grille de coulée Bouchon de coulée Parcours de coulée Système de coulée Bac de coulée Cellule de coulée Rupture de la coulée Alliage de fonte Fonte en fusion Peau de fonte Réception de la pièce coulée Pièces coulées Moulage manuel Four à cloche Plaque chauffante Filaments chauffants Impulseur Four à induction Alimentateur isolant Marche à froid sans caisson Essai de résilience Noyau Atelier de noyautage Clous de noyau Plaque de noyau Sable à noyaux Morceaux de sable à noyaux Pousseur de noyaux Machine à tirer les noyaux Machine à tirer les noyaux Processus de tir de noyaux Support de noyau Installation de coulée en coquille basculante Système à genouillère Lingotière de refroidissement Tuyau de refroidissement Plastique remplissage laminaire du moule Matériau d'alliage Station de soudage Inclusion d'air Magnésium Traitement du magnésium Poche de traitement au magnésium Ajout de magnésium Séparateur magnétique usinage mécanique Dispositif de mesure Plaque de modèle Tirage du modèle Embouchure Couvercle du four Commande du four Tamis polygonal Nettoyage Outils de nettoyage Développement de la fumée Bandes de pluie 

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 Moldes de mão Moldes de máquinas Acabamento Fabricação de núcleos Alimentador Moldes Modelos Materiais de moldagem Teste de material de moldagem Preparação do material de moldagem Fundição em areia Moldes Fundição de moldes permanentes Fundição de moldes permanentes Fundição sob pressão em câmara fria Fundição sob pressão em câmara quente Unidades de controle de temperatura Fabricação de ferramentas Fundição de matriz Produção de padrões de cera Produção de conchas de moldagem Máquinas de fundição Fundição por investimento Fundição em fundição refrigerada basculante Forno a gás Forno de indução Forno de resistência Forno de cúpula Forno a arco Tratamento térmico Metalúrgico Tratamento Material de liga Carregamento Fusão Jato de areia de ligante Impressão em areia Acabamento e Manuseio Sala de sopro Tiroteio Usinagem Analíticos Garantia de qualidade Equipamento de fundição Fundição Fundição de ferro Fundição de alumínio Fundição de zinco Fundição de aço Cobre Defeitos de fundição Peças fundidas Metalografia Ferro Metalografia Alumínio Software & Simulação Fornecedores Produtores de fundição P&D & Educação Feiras e congressos Academia 3D impresso elenco Fundição Etching Refrigeração Têmpera Bacia de resfriamento Alumínio Fundição sob pressão em alumínio Fundição de alumínio Fundição de alumínio Óxidos de alumínio Argônio grampeamento Placa de fixação Cavilhas oculares Calha de esvaziamento Grelha ejetora Placa ejetora Haste ejetora Pino ejetor Autoclave Concha de tratamento Lixadeira de cinta Bentonita Movimento Núcleo de trituração Forno Impressões de dureza Brinell Superfície da fratura Carregamento Carro de carregamento Autoclave a vapor Composto vedante Dosagem Fundição de matriz Ar comprimido Mangueira de ar comprimido Moedor de ar comprimido Acumulador Fundido em Fundição de ferro Fundição de ferro Fundição de ferro Fundição de ferro Desembaraço Ventilação Solidificação Alimentador de tubos exotérmicos Alimentador exotérmico Planta de mistura de palhetas Planta de inundação Lança de inundação Esteira rolante Moldes Caixas de moldagem Placa de moldagem Estação de moldagem Bandejas de moldagem Preparação do material de moldagem Planta de preparação de areia para moldagem Bunker de areia para moldagem Balde de areia para moldar Controle de areia de moldagem Vista frontal Molde de resina de furan Moldes de resina de furan Queimador de gás Bateria de garrafas de gás Poros de gás cadinho disparado Contrapeso fundição Fundador Fundador Filtro de fundição Conjunto de fundição Gases de fundição Desenvolvimento de gás fundido Flash de fundição Nível de enchimento da câmara de fundição Pistão de fundição Anel intermediário do êmbolo de fundição Concha de fundição Roda de fundição Canal de fundição Grelha de fundição Tampão de fundição Linha de fundição Sistema de fundição Bandeja de fundição Célula de fundição Quebra de fundição Liga de ferro fundido Fundição de ferro fundido Pele fundida Suporte de peças fundidas Fundição Fundição de moldes à mão Forno de chapéu Placa de aquecimento Bobinas de aquecimento Impulsor Forno de indução Alimentador isolante Frio boxless Teste de impacto de entalhes Núcleo Fabricação de núcleos Pregos do núcleo Placa central Areia do núcleo Peças de areia do núcleo Deslizador do núcleo Atirador principal Atirador principal Atirador principal Suporte principal Máquina de fundição de moldes basculantes Sistema de alavanca de joelho Molde de resfriamento Mangueira de resfriamento Plástico preenchimento de molde laminar Material de liga Estação de solda Inclusão de ar Magnésio Tratamento de magnésio Panela de tratamento de magnésio Adição de magnésio Separador magnético Processamento mecânico dispositivo de medição placa modelo Desenho do modelo Boquilha Tampa do forno Controle do forno Peneira de polígono Limpeza Ferramentas de limpeza Desenvolvimento da fumaça Regenbesander Processo de regeneração Banco de rolos Planta de moldagem por prensa vibratória Alimentador vibratório Mofo de areia Moldes de areia Mofo de areia Núcleo de areia Máquina de fundição centrífuga Roda de fundição centrífuga Dimensionamento Planta de dimensionamento Movimento de dimensionamento Chorume Panela de polpa Fusão Fusão Caldeirão de fusão Câmara de fusão Forno de fusão Recipiente de sucata Armazenamento de sucata Resíduos de peneiramento Alimentador Manga do alimentador Mangas alimentad

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